Native macOS Gmail Setup Guide

With the move to Google, Mac users can now utilize the default Mail, Calendars, Contacts, and Notes applications with Pacific Gmail. Unlike Outlook, each of these services is its own application. You will see each application in your Application folder, or on your Launchpad and will all be synced with the same account through System Preferences.

Important Note: Faculty and staff: Do not do set up or use your Boxer Mail account before Monday, August 2nd, 2021.

Step by Step Video


Setup Procedure

  1. Open System Preferences ( menu > System Preferences...)
  2. Select Internet Accounts
    • Internet Accounts System Preferences window
  3. Select Google in the right hand column. This will prompt you to open an Internet browser
    • if you do not see Google in the right-hand column, click the + button in the bottom left-hand corner of the wind
  4. Enter your
  5. This will re-direct you to the Pacific University login page
    • if you are not redirected, here are some common errors:
      • Your email address isn't formatted as
      • Your browser it auto-filling a different email from your Pacific Email
  6. Login with your PUNet ID and Password
    • SSO login
  7. (Staff and Faculty ONLY) Authenticate with Duo
  8. Choose which services you want to use your Pacific University account on this computer
    • Any service you choose not to sync will not be updating with Google
    • This does not interfere or interact with any other personal accounts you have setup on this computer
    • Important Note: If you would like to use Classic Outlook as your email client, you can deselect Mail on this window, and follow the steps to setup Classic Outlook here
    • Select the apps you want to use with the Pacific Google Account
  9. You should now be receiving emails, calendars, contacts, and notes to the Mail, Calendar, Contacts, and Notes apps respectively.
  10. Many people have multple internet accounts setup on their computer. You may wish to rename this Google account so that you can clearly identify it as Pacific. To do so, select the account in the left-hand column of Internet Accounts in System Preferences. Click Details... option in the upper right corner, and you can edit the display name of the account there. 
    • Edit the display name of the account
  11. To confirm, open the Mail app (Applications > Mail) and you should see your Pacific Inbox on the list of accounts on the left-hand column. 
    • Finished setup
  12. If you utilize a Preferred Email Address (setup in myAccount) you will want to change the "Send As" information in the Mail application. 
    1. In Mail, open Mail > Preferences and click on Accounts in the toolbar
    2. Select your Pacific Gmail account on the left-hand column
    3. Under the "Email Address" field, click the current email, and select Edit Email Addresses...
    4. Click the + button, and enter your Full Name as you would like it to appear to others recieveing email messages, and your Preferred Email Address
      • ​​​​​​​
    5. (OPTIONAL) if you do not wish to ever send email with your, select that email address in this window, and click the - button to remove it
    6. Now when composing an email, you will see your send address as your Preferred Address.


See Also

Uploading Locally Stored Email in Outlook to Boxer Mail

Comparing Pacific Gmail setup options for macOS

Outlook Classic Gmail setup guide (macOS)

New Outlook Gmail setup guide (macOS)


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Article ID: 133888
Wed 6/23/21 1:54 PM
Thu 8/5/21 4:15 PM