Apporto Moodle Integration Configuration Procedure

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Apporto supports a Moodle Integration to let students sign directly into Apporto from Moodle, and automatically assigns any class resources to them. If you're using Apporto for your class the Moodle Integration is the best way to have students sign into Apporto.


Your course must be linked to Moodle before the integration can be configured. Please see Linking Your Course to Moodle on the Center for Educational Technology and Curricular Innovation (CETCI) documentation page.


  1. Fill out the Request Access to Apporto form and include the long name of the course.
  2. Apporto admins will create a group for your course, and update you when the Moodle Integration is ready for your course.
  3. In Moodle click Add an activity or resource.
  4. Under Activities select External tool.
  5. Specify an activity name, and select Apporto for the preconfigured tool.
  6. Have students log into Apporto using the Moodle integration.
Important Note: Do not change the long name of your course. This will break Apporto's Moodle Integration.

See Also

Apporto FAQ

CETCI Moodle Tutorials


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Article ID: 146937
Mon 8/21/23 12:35 PM
Fri 9/22/23 4:16 PM

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Apporto is a cloud based virtual computer lab.