Technology Purchasing: Home Use


This article applies to technology (hardware or software) that is needed for work purposes at a location not supported by UIS (e.g. an employee's home) or on a computer not supported by UIS (e.g. on an employee's personally owned computer).


Technology Purchasing: Home Use


This article applies to technology (hardware or software) that is needed for work purposes at a location not supported by UIS (e.g. an employee's home) or on a computer not supported by UIS (e.g. on an employee's personally owned computer).

When such a need occurs, UIS advises that departments give the appropriate employee a one-time stipend via payroll so that employee can purchase that technology themselves.

Stipend purchased technology is supported by the vendor or manufacturer and not by university personnel. Ownership and maintenance of the purchased items are the responsibility of the stipend recipient.

A budget authority should request a stipend by contacting Human Resources.

Non-cellphone mobile devices (e.g. laptops, tablets) are generally not eligible for stipend based purchases. These devices can be easily serviced and supported by UIS staff, and so should be purchased as normal university-owned technology. As university-owned technology, these devices should be returned to UIS if the employee leaves the university.

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Article ID: 134497
Thu 7/15/21 12:04 PM
Fri 11/12/21 12:09 PM