Protected Data Zoom - Information for Pacific Psychology & Comprehensive Health Clinic Users


Protected Data Zoom at Pacific University is leveraged within the Pacific Psychology & Comprehensive Health Clinics (PCH) for telehealth.  Protected Data Zoom is the only approved video teleconferencing method for clinical services or discussions involving patient health information.   Zoom Phone provides outbound calling only (no inbound calls or voicemail) for telehealth services.

First Sign In and Zoom Phone

Zoom Phone cannot be added to your Protected Data Zoom account until after you have successfully logged on to Protected Data Zoom at least once. The Director of Operations for PCH Clinics (John Monahan) will provide the Protected Data Zoom systems administrator with a list of individuals who require Zoom Phone. To ensure you are are able to quickly receive access to Zoom Phone, please sign in to Protected Data Zoom as soon as possible. You can sign in to Protected Data Zoom without being invited:

  1. Launch your Zoom Application
  2. Sign in the Single Sign On (SSO) option. When prompted for a Zoom Domain, use ""
  3. A webpage may open on your device, asking you sign in to Pacific University's Single Sign On System. This is the same single sign on service that provides access to BoxerMail, Box, etc.


  1. Open a web browser to
  2. Sign in the Single Sign On (SSO) option. When prompted for a Zoom Domain, use ""
  3. A webpage may open on your device, asking you sign in to Pacific University's Single Sign On System. This is the same single sign on service that provides access to BoxerMail, Box, etc.

Once Zoom Phone has been added to your account, a "Phone" tab will appear in your application after the Protected Data Zoom admin has assigned you a license. Please note that Zoom Phone features are not available in a web browser, only from an installed application (Microsoft Windows, MacOS, iPadOS, Android)


For more information on Zoom Phone, please see either Getting Started with Zoom Phone article or the Pacific University Zoom Phone FAQ

Regular Zoom is not Protected Data Zoom

As a Zoom user at Pacific University, please note that Protected Data Zoom and Regular Zoom are two distinct domains/accounts and you cannot be signed in to both simultaneously. If you accidentally sign in to Regular Zoom you will lose your Zoom Phone license and it will need to be re-assigned. 

Meeting Recordings in Protected Data Zoom

To protect patient privacy and meet Pacific's HIPAA policy requirements, student accounts in Protected Data Zoom are capable only of cloud recording (not local recordings).  Cloud recordings cannot be downloaded.  All Cloud Meeting Recordings in Protected Data Zoom will be automatically deleted 180 days after date of recording (or at the request of the Director of Operations of the clinic when students end their clinical rotation, typically in mid-August of each year). Deleted recordings can be recovered for 30 days.


For more information on Protected Data Zoom, Zoom Phone, and to get assistance please see our Services Page and Help Request Forms here

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Article ID: 142858
Fri 10/28/22 2:25 PM
Tue 5/23/23 7:58 PM