Creating A Sponsorship Request

This knowledge base article covers what sponsoring an account means, when you should request one, and how to properly fill out the request form so the request is processed as quickly as possible.


Contact - The individual who is on the receiving end of the sponsorship. This is typically the contactor or alum.

Sponsor - The person who is responsible for a sponsored account. Their major responsibilities are to do a yearly review of the sponsorship and to act as a contact point in case there is an issue.

About Sponsored Accounts

Sponsored accounts are a subtype of PUNet accounts. They are to be used by a single person and should not be shared with anyone. Sponsored accounts are governed by the Appropriate Use Policy for Information Technology. You can read more about sponsored accounts in the Account and Email Address Policy knowledgebase article.

Sponsoring An Individual Account

When an individual is required to have access to an online service or resource that the university provides in order to perform a business requirement, it may need to be sponsored. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • An alum who:
    • Is working for the university and is on a university campus for a period of time.
    • Needs access to Moodle to guest-lecture.
  • A contractor who may need access to an internal server to install or perform regular maintenance.

Examples of an individual account that does NOT need to be sponsored:

  • A former student who is returning at a later date. All former students retain access to BoxerOnline for transcripts and online registration.
  • A student who is going on hiatus.  There is a separate procedure for that. Please contact the Registrar's Office.
  • A future employee.  HR can onboard a future employee with a future start date, which will cause an account to be created with Pending Employee status.
  • A contract employee.  HR will create an account for this employee when the 1099 Payee onboarding process is used.

The Request Process

This is a high-level overview of what the request process entails:

  1. A request is created in myAccount by the sponsor.
  2. A helpdesk ticket is generated and University Information Services (UIS) is notified. UIS reviews the request to accept or reject it. If rejected, go to the last step.
  3. The contact is notified by email if the request is for a brand new account; otherwise, it moves to the next step. Once the contact provides some required information.
  4. The account is created and/or sponsored and the contact and sponsor is notified by email.
  5. The request is closed.

Tips for Filling Out The Request Form

Please do not fill out a request for an existing sponsored account if you want to change something like an expiration date or to add an additional sponsor. Please email the Helpdesk if you need help with those tasks. If you are not sure if someone has a sponsored account, please contact the Helpdesk rather than creating a request.

There are four categories an individual can be sponsored as:

  1. Employee -- for non-payroll employees who are not paid through HR and are providing the university with labor;
  2. Student -- for students;
  3. Preceptor -- for those programs that have existing preceptor arrangements;
  4. Generic -- the catch-all if you are not sure if the individual falls into one of the above. Contractors and vendors would fall under this category.

If the contact has ever interacted with the university before, there is a good chance they may already have an account. To avoid multiple or duplicate accounts, please check with the contact to see if they have had an account, and what the PUNet ID was and submit the request as an existing account. Otherwise, submit the request as a new account request.

The mandatory category fields (which are different for each category) should be self-explanatory.

In the large text box, please provide as much information as possible to explain why you are requesting that this contact should be sponsored and please include a list of the online resources they need access to. The more information we have, the easier it is for us (and you) to keep track of why the account was sponsored in the first place during the yearly review.

If this sponsorship should last less than a year, please submit the date of when the sponsorship should end.


You should review the Responsibilities of a Sponsor knowledgebase article.

You can check the status of your request by logging into myAccount and selecting Sponsorship Controls in the menu. On the right, there will be a Current Requests section you can click on. All your requests you've made in the past year will show up in this table. Clicking on the link in the name column will show you the details for that request.

When a sponsorship has been Approved, the sponsorship will appear in the Current Sponsorships table.

See Also


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Article ID: 136448
Wed 10/27/21 9:01 AM
Thu 3/14/24 11:46 AM