Switching Between Google Accounts (with note about Chrome profiles)


  1. Background
  2. Procedure
    1. Switching Between Profiles in Chrome
    2. Using Windows Shortcuts to Open Specific Profile in Chrome
  3. Related Knowledge Base Articles
  4. Additional Resources
  5. Questions? Comments?


Chrome allows you to create multiple profiles, each with a different set of bookmarks, search history, settings, toolbar buttons, among other things. You can switch among your profiles, each profile opening in a separate Chrome window. If you have other personal Google account(s), you can add, manage and switch between your Pacific University account and others using Google Chrome profiles.

The procedure to setup Pacific University student email in the Gmail app on Apple iOS devices.

  • Audience: 
    • All (Students, Alum, Faculty, Staff)
  • Platforms: 
    • Windows
  • Application: Google Chrome

There are two ways you can switch among your profiles: (1) In Chrome browser, and (2) Using Windows desktop shortcuts.


Switching Between Profiles in Chrome

  1. Click on the Profile Badge located in the top right corner, below the title bar in your Chrome:

  2. The Profile Information will be shown in the pop-up window.
    You can switch to your other profiles from the list, or click on the wheel button to manage all your profiles:

  3. The new pop-up window will show all currently existing profiles in Chrome browser. If you want to see this menu each time you start the Chrome, click "Show on startup":


Adding Windows Shortcuts to Open Specific Profile in Chrome

  1. Click on the "Customize and Control Google Chrome" button (Three dots to the right of the Profile Badge) located in the top right corner below the title bar in your Chrome.
    Then, click "Settings" from the drop-down menu:

  2. Click on "Customize your Chrome profile" link on the Settings page:

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the Customize Profile page and slide "Create desktop shortcut" toggle:
    (If you want to create shotcuts for your other profiles, switch profiles and repeat steps 1-3.)

  4. You will find the Google Chrome profiles on your desktop:

Related Knowledge base Articles

Additional Resources


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Article ID: 134608
Tue 7/20/21 9:52 AM
Tue 7/20/21 10:43 AM