First Time Login

Tags Account

Congratulations on becoming part of Pacific University. Here are the next steps to log in and establish your online account:

When Is Your Account Created?

For students, your account is created at least one day before admissions has communicated your admittance. For faculty and staff, your account is created the day after your information is entered into university systems by Human Resources.

Logging In

You may have received an email ("Your Pacific University Oregon Account") telling you that you can log in and giving you a special one-time-use link to log in and establish your account. If you received such an email, click on the link to start the process.

Otherwise, call Pacific University's Technology Helpdesk, at 503-352-1500 for assistance. After verifying your identity, the Helpdesk can assist you by letting your know your username (your PUNet ID) and helping you gain access to set a password for your account.

Establishing Your Account

Once you log in to the myAccount system for the first time, you will be asked to:

  • Agree to the latest version of our Appropriate Use Policy for Information Technology
  • Establish a unique password that only you know
  • (Optional) Create an email alias that we refer to as a Preferred Email address. (This is an alternate address you can receive mail through. Creating an alias does not change your login username.)
  • Register a third-party email address and answer security questions. (This helps you with self service password resets and allows for phone verification of your identity by Helpdesk staff.)
  • Review the personal information the university has about you. (You can correct this from the myAccount main menu.)
  • Sign up for BoxerAlerts to receive emergency announcements and info about unplanned campus closures on your mobile phone

All Done!

Once you have completed these steps, your account is now ready to use to log in to Pacific University online services.


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