Lifecycle Replacements and Upgrades for Classroom Audiovisual Systems

This article describes UIS' methodology and schedule for replacing and upgrading audiovisual technology in University classrooms and other learning spaces.


UIS has an annual budget set aside for classroom repairs, replacements and upgrades, which is occasionally supplemented by capital funding.  We do our best to replace classroom technology when it has reached 10 to 15 years of age.

Multiple times through the year UIS reassesses the needs for classroom technology replacements and upgrades based on feedback from the University Technology committee, from our service and support history for classrooms, as well as feedback from program deans and directors.  This information is used to guide the use of UIS classroom funds and submissions for capital funding.

UIS also maintains standards for the design and configuration of general purpose classrooms, which we reference when choosing classroom upgrades or replacements or when creating new classrooms.  Our classroom standards are reviewed annually and adjusted based on direct feedback from faculty, advisement from the University Technology Committee, advice and training from audiovisual industry groups, information gained from peer institutions, as well as advice from the Center for Educational Technology and Curricular Innovation on the current and future pedagogical needs of Pacific faculty.

See Also

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Article ID: 140622
Thu 7/21/22 4:30 PM
Thu 7/21/22 5:12 PM