How To Use Creighton 514 and 516 in Combined Mode

These are instructions for instructors who need to combine room 514 and 516 to teach across both rooms.


  1. Open the foldable wall combining 516 and 514.
  2. Turn on the projectors in both rooms by tapping PC on the touch screen in either room.
  3. In room 516, tap "Room Setup" on the touch panel and choose "Combine Rooms"
  4. The computer screen from the room 516 computer will be shown on the projectors in both rooms.
  5. From this point on, do not do anything on the touch screen in 514.  Doing so may cause errors in the room combination.
  6. Log into the 516 computer as yourself.
  7. Turn on either microphone from either room and speak into it.  You should be heard from both rooms.
    1. If you cannot be heard from both rooms, see Troubleshooting below.
    2. If your voice is not loud enough, use the "Mic ^" button in 516.
  8. If using Zoom:
    1. Start Zoom and join your Zoom meeting from the computer in 516.
    2. Once in the Zoom meeting, click on the "^" icon next to the microphone and make sure that the following are checked:
      1. For Speaker, the option starting with "ExtronScalerD"
      2. For Microphone, the option starting with "Realtek USB Mic"
    3. Remote participants who are speaking will be heard in both rooms.  Use the volume controls on the computer and/or the "Vol" buttons on the touchpanel to adjust volume as needed.
    4. Remote participants will hear you from the microphone built into the webcam sitting atop the monitor of the 516 instructor's podium.  For good sound quality, make sure you speak directly at that microphone.
  9. Your computer-based presentations must be run from 516.  You cannot use the 514 computer while in this mode.
  10. When done, from the touch panel in 516, choose "Room Setup" and "Divide Rooms."  You can then shut down each system.


If the room combination is not working properly (video or audio is not replicated across rooms), do the following:

  1. Divide the rooms if they are currently combined.
  2. Shut down (turn off) the computers in both podiums.
  3. Shut down the projectors.
  4. Unplug the AC cord that powers the podiums from where they attach to the AC outlet in the wall.
  5. Wait 30 seconds.
  6. Plug the 516 podium back in.
  7. Wait 30 seconds.
  8. Plug the 514 podium back in.
  9. Use the power button on the front of the computers to turn them back on.
  10. Try combining the room again as shown above.

If the projectors are not shutting down, try the following:

  1. Press the "Proj On" button on the podium.
  2. Wait for the timer bar to disappear.
  3. Press Shutdown and confirm that you want to shut down.

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Article ID: 140165
Wed 6/22/22 5:36 PM
Wed 6/22/22 5:39 PM