
Provided To

Students, staff, and faculty.


BoxerOnline provides access to key information and processes for students and faculty and staff budget managers.

Students can do things such as the following:

  • Register for classes and view their schedules
  • View grades
  • View their financial aid information and offer letters
  • Access their student account information to set up payment plans and make payments
  • Request transcripts and apply for graduation

Faculty can do things such as the following:

  • View their teaching schedules
  • Review their advisee information

Budget managers can view quick summaries of the accounts they oversee.

Hosting Type

On premises.

UIS Support Level

Fully supported.

Subject Matter Expert

Enterprise Systems Administrator (Greg Paetzhold)

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Service Offerings (3)

Log On To BoxerOnline
Online access to key records and processes for students, staff, and faculty--such as online registration, advising information, financial information, and more.
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