Lifecycle Replacements for Information Technology Infrastructure


This article describes University Information Services' methodology and schedule for replacing and upgrading the university technology infrastructure including servers, networks, telephony, and enterprise services.


This article describes University Information Services' methodology and schedule for replacing and upgrading the university technology infrastructure including servers, networks, telephony, and enterprise services.


UIS has an annual budget set aside for infrastructure repairs, replacements and upgrades, which is occasionally supplemented by capital funding, construction projects, and grant funds.  We do our best to replace infrastructure items in accordance with industry best practices to ensure that they provide the resources needed for our instructional, clinical, research, and administrative needs while maintaining security and reliability.

UIS assesses the needs for infrastructure replacements and upgrades throughout the year based on feedback from the University Technology Committee, feedback from our program deans and directors, surveys of students and employees, and from reviewing service and support history and vendor product lifecycle support.  This information is used to guide the use of UIS funds and submissions for capital funding.

UIS maintains standards for the design and usage of the infrastructure which we reference when choosing systems for new projects and replacement systems to ensure that support personnel are properly trained to manage and service the campus infrastructure.  All technology infrastructure must be reviewed and approved by University Information Services before being connected to the university networks to ensure the security and reliability of the network as outlined in the  Technology and Information Services Purchasing Policy.


See Also


Technology Purchasing: Technology Ownership

Technology and Information Services Purchasing Policy

Technology Purchasing: Pre-Purchase UIS Consultation



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Article ID: 140630
Fri 7/22/22 6:05 PM
Fri 7/22/22 6:34 PM