Request An Update To MyBoxer

Please use this service to let us know if there are changes needed to information or links within the MyBoxer cards and pages.  

For changes to individual cards, please include:

  1. Name of the card
  2. Intended audience (students, alumni, faculty, staff, other)
  3. Change requested (including full URLs if requested

To request a new cards please include:

  1. Name of the card
  2. Intended audience (students, alumni, faculty, staff, other)
  3. Link titles for each site link on the card
  4. URLs for all link titles
  5. Short descriptions for each link site link requested.

For dated announcements, please include:

  1. Dates the announcement should run
  2. Intended audience (students, alumni, faculty, staff, other)
  3. Announcement Name
  4. Announcement Message
  5. URL to more information about the announcement (Optional)
  6. URL Link Lable (required if providing a URL)

**MyBoxer cards must be reviewed and approved by University Information Services (UIS).   MyBoxer may not be the right location for all content and UIS makes all final decisions on what content will be allowed, which cards are locked on the home page, and what will be made available to specific audiences.  UIS will not offer custom card programming for specific content.   

Request An Update To MyBoxer


Service Offering Id: 1835
Tue 11/14/23 2:01 PM
Wed 11/22/23 5:41 AM