Protected Data Zoom


The Protected Data Communication via Conferencing and Video Services policy requires video meetings where HIPAA and FERPA protected information are privately discussed to use a specially secured video service. Protected Data Zoom is a special instance of our Zoom videoteleconferencing service that meets these requirements



The Protected Data Communication via Conferencing and Video Services policy requires video meetings where HIPAA and FERPA protected information are privately discussed to use a specially secured video service. Protected Data Zoom is a special instance of our Zoom videoteleconferencing service that meets these requirements.

Logging In

Regular Zoom can be accessed with your PUNet ID and password at

Note: Beginning 8/20/24, all users can access regular Zoom by default.  To access Protected Data Zoom, users must select Protected Data Zoom via controls in myAccount.  After selecting Protected Data Zoom, it can be accessed with your PUNet ID and password at

Once a user has set their account to access Protected Data Zoom, they can only switch back to accessing regular Zoom by entering a help ticket.

Please note that if you are currently logged in to one of the two Zoom instances, and go to the login page for the other Zoom instance, Zoom will attempt to redirect you to what it thinks is your correct Zoom instance (the one you are logged on to).

Obtaining Licenses

Host licenses on Protected Data Zoom can be obtained at no cost.

If your Host license is being switched between one instance of Zoom to the other, you will receive an email from Zoom asking you to approve this change. Due to changes Zoom announced in November 2020, an individual can only switch from Regular Zoom to Protected Data Zoom if an administrator deletes their Regular Zoom account. Changing from regular Zoom to Protected Data Zoom will make everything in your regular Zoom account (including scheduled meetings and cloud recordings) unavailable.

How Protected Data Zoom Differs From Regular Zoom

  • Cloud recordings in Protected Data Zoom cannot generally be downloaded.
  • Only Protected Data Zoom users can access shared cloud recordings made in Protected Data Zoom.
  • Regular Zoom cloud recordings expire after one year.  Protected Data Zoom recording expiration is set by group, but is most commonly 180 days.
  • Screen capture is not available in Protected Data Zoom.
  • Chat messages and captioning in Protected Data Zoom meetings can not be easily saved or reviewed after the meeting ends.
  • Local recording is not generally available in Protected Data Zoom.
  • Protected Data Zoom users cannot elect regular Zoom users as alternative hosts or vice versa.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does Protected Data Zoom feature free licenses with limited functionality, like regular Zoom does?

A: No, only Pacific's regular Zoom service allows users to log in with their Pacific accounts to access free accounts.

Q: Can a regular Pacific Zoom user attend a meeting hosted by a Protected Data Zoom user or vice versa?

A: Yes.

Q: Is local recording allowed?

A: By default, recording to a computer is no longer permitted, but all Protected Data Zoom accounts can now record to the cloud. Local recording can be enabled on an individual basis upon request.

Q: Is cloud recording allowed?

A: Yes, this is now turned on by default for all Protected Data Zoom accounts.

Q: Do class sessions require Protected Data Zoom since recorded class sessions are educational records protected by FERPA?

A: No. Since there is no expectation of privacy in a classroom session, the university does not consider these to require Protected Data Zoom. We are not able to provide guidance on FERPA protected conversations other than classroom sessions at this time.

Q: Can a Protected Data Zoom user name a regular Zoom user as an alternative host while scheduling a meeting or vice versa?

A: No.

Q: Can a Protected Data Zoom user delegate Scheduling Privilege to a regular Zoom user or vice versa?

A: No.

Q: During a meeting, can a Protected Data Zoom user give Host or Co-Host privileges to to a regular Zoom user or vice versa?

A: Yes. However, if the meeting was originated as a Protected Data Zoom meeting, those meeting restrictions stay in effect even after Host privileges have been passed over to the regular Zoom user.

Q: Can Protected Data Zoom be used to provide care to patients?

A: Due to COIVD-19 (Spring/Summer 2020) the ability for Telehealth has been provisionally approved. Please contact Clinic or College/School leadership to initiate the process with UIS to get it started.

Q: Can I use the Instant Message features of Protected Data Zoom?

A: Yes.

Q: I'm trying to log onto Protected Data Zoom, but keep ending up in regular Zoom. Why?

A: If you’re currently logged in to our regular Zoom instance ( and try to go to Protected Data Zoom, the system will think you’re in the wrong place and redirect you to regular Zoom. If you see this happening, try logging into Protected Data Zoom from an incognito window.

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Article ID: 134468
Wed 7/14/21 3:45 PM
Mon 8/19/24 12:57 PM