Web PhoneManager


Pacific University offers staff and faculty a web-based point-and-click
interface into their voicemail settings through a service called
Web PhoneManager.

To access this service, both on- and off-campus, go to https://voicemail.pacificu.edu.
First, log in with your PUNet ID and password then, on the next screen, enter your mailbox number (typically your extension) and your security code.



The Home page displays a simple dashboard for
basic information, like how to access the voicemail system from
on- and off-campus. It may contain other pieces of information
as time goes on, but should not be considered a primary location
for important University or system information.


This tab provides direct access to a user's voicemails, allowing them
to perform common tasks with voice messages like listen, forward, reply,
save, or delete.

Users are able to create custom labels for saved messages as simple
reminders or useful information for other users if being used in a
shared mailbox. This is done by clicking Edit below the message's
title, entering a new label, and pressing Save.

When using the Reply or Forward feature, user's are presented with
an interface that allows them to record a message by calling out to
the phone number in Web PhoneManager Settings and
select various sending options.

The Live Reply option is a callback feature. When selected, users
are prompted with the message sender's phone number to call. This
number can be modified, if necessary (A 1 must be added before the
number if long distance). When OK is pressed, the voicemail system
calls the user's number in Web PhoneManager Settings,
then calls the message sender's number. Once both parties have answered,
the two calls are connected together.

Note: When calling out through this system, the other party will
see the call come from 503-352-6151 - the University's main number.


This tab serves the same purpose as the Inbox tab but for messages
that have been marked "Saved."


This tab serves the same purpose as the Inbox tab but for messages
that have been marked "Deleted."

Messages in the Trash tab will not be permanently deleted until the
user logs out of the Web PhoneManager application. If a message needs
to be recovered, the user can press Undelete to send the message back
to the Inbox.

Personal Settings


The Recordings tab provides users the ability to check their personal
greetings, listen to them, and record new ones. It also provides a
quick way to enable and disable a user's Out-of-Office Greeting.

When handling greetings through the Web PhoneManager, it is important
to note that the system will make calls out to a phone number provided
by the user through the Web PhoneManager Settings menu. For more information
about that option, see the
Web PhoneManager Settings
section below.

To Listen to a Greeting: Select an available greeting, indicated
by a blue microphone icon. Press the Play icon once. The voicemail
system will take a moment to call your designated number or extension and
play back the greeting once the phone is answered.

Please wait until the greeting has finished playing back before
taking any other action

To Record a Greeting: Select the greeting you wish to record. When ready,
press the red Record icon once. The voicemail system will take a
moment to call your designated number or extension. Once the phone is answered,
a short beep will be heard and recording will begin. Record your greeting and
press the Stop icon before hanging up once you are finished. Press OK
to save the greeting, or Cancel to throw the greeting away and start over.

To Enable/Disable the Out-of-Office Greeting: Check or uncheck the box
below the greetings list that says Enable Out-of-Office Greeting. Press
OK to confirm the change.

Distribution Lists

This tab will display any distribution lists the user owns and allow them
to add or remove users from the list by clicking on the list's name.

To Add a User to the List: Search for a user by first or last name.
Select the appropriate mailbox and hit Add.

To Delete a User from the List: Select the mailbox to be removed
from the list of Selected Mailboxes on the right and hit Remove.

After making any changes, hit OK to confirm.

Call Settings

This tab provides users some extra call handling functions like call
screening and blocking.

Note: Most of these features will not be available for all users
and those that are available will only work when the user is called
from the University auto-attendant, not when called directly. If unsure
about the feature's functionality, leave the feature unchecked.

Phone Numbers

This tab allows users the ability to associate multiple phones to their
voice mailbox. Doing so provides quick access to a user's messages when
calling from one of these phones - Rather than being prompted to enter
a mailbox number, the system can recognize a trusted phone and
automatically connect the user to their mailbox.

To Add a Device: Enter the device's 10-digit phone number into the
Telephone Number field. Set the Device Type (see below) and
leave Call Timeout at the default value. Hit OK to confirm.
If the number is long-distance, add a 1 to the front of the number.

Device Types

  • Phone: logon, can receive calls: Trusted login allowed
    from this phone; Can be used for the voicemail system's
    various call-out features
  • Phone: logon, can't receive calls: Trusted login allowed
    from this phone; Can not be used for the voicemail system's
    various call-out features
  • Phone: receive calls only: Trusted login not allowed from
    this phone; Can be used for the voicemail system's various
    call-out features

Devices can be marked as "Inactive" without removing them from the system
by unchecking the box next to the number in the Active column and
pressing OK.

To Remove a Device: Delete the number of the device to be removed
and hit OK.

Security Code

This tab allows users to change their voicemail security code.

Enter the appropriate information and hit OK to confirm the change.

Message Settings


This tab provides various options for message playback, including
the order in which messages are played and whether or not extra information
about the message is given before or after playback.

Message Envelope: A message envelope contains information about the
caller who left a voice message as well as the date and time. Use the
Auto Play Envelope and Envelope Content options to select when
the message envelope should be played, if at all, and if the envelope
should contain date and time only or date/time as well as caller ID, if

Message Ordering: Use the Options and Order options to change the
order in which new messages are played back. Messages can be sorted so
Urgent messages are played first, or messages from University employees
are played before those left by non-University callers (Listen by Type).
The playback order can also be changed to play newer messages first or
older messages first.

Language Options: Change the Client Display option to receive
email notifications, if enabled, from the voicemail server in a different

Press OK to confirm any changes.

Time Zone

This tab allows the user to change his or her time zone if located in a
time zone different than the voicemail server's location. All users of
the Web PhoneManager system will not need to change this setting.

Notification Settings


This tab provides options for daily message reminders. If enabled
and configured, the voicemail system will call the designated phone
number every day at the specified time if there are new voice messages
in the mailbox. Users will then be prompted for their security code
and can be taken directly to their messages.

To Enable Daily Message Reminder: Check the Enable Daily Message
 checkbox, enter the phone number you want the system to call,
select a desired time, and press OK.

Phone numbers can be entered as either Extensions (4-digit number),
Local (10-digit number), or Long Distance (1 + 10-digit number).

To Disable Daily Message Reminder: Uncheck the Enable Daily Message
 checkbox and hit OK. No other settings need to be removed.


This tab allows users to enable Automatic Message Forwarding for their
mailbox. This feature is useful for users who will be away from their
desk for an extended period of time (vacation, or otherwise) and need
their messages to be managed by another user.

When Message Forwarding is enabled, new messages will immediately get
copied to another user's voice mailbox. It will not automatically
delete messages from the original mailbox.

To Enable Automatic Message Forwarding: Check the Enable Automatic
Message Forwarding
 checkbox and fill in the appropriate options:

  • Forward To: Enter the extension/mailbox number that new messages should
    be forwarded to, or use the Search feature to find a user by first or last
  • Notify Status: Set to All to forward all new messages. Set to Urgent
    to only forward messages with the Urgent flag set.
  • Specific Sender: Use this option to forward only messages left by a
    specific user within the University. Rarely does this need to be set.
  • Message Types: Select Include Voice Msgs. The other option can be
  • Time: Set the hours and days during which Message Forwarding should be

Hit OK to confirm the changes and enable Automatic Message Forwarding.

To Disable Automatic Message Forwarding: Uncheck the Enable Automatic
Message Forwarding
 checkbox and hit OK. No other settings need to be

SMS (Email)

This tab allows users to enable SMS (email) notifications when new voice messages
are received. Typically this feature is used to send an email notification
when new messages arrive that contain the phone number of the caller that
left the voice message.

Note: Email notifications are the only notification type available at
this time.

To Enable SMS Notifications: Check the Enable Short Message Service
 checkbox and change the SMS Provider to Exchange Email. Press
OK. You will receive an error at this time - Ignore it. Edit the rest
of the options:

  • Notify Status: Set to All to receive notifications about all new
    messages. Set to Urgent to receive notifications only for messages with
    the Urgent flag set.
  • Message Types: Select Include Voice Msgs. The other option can be
  • Time: Set the hours and days during which SMS Notifications should be
  • Contact Details: Enter your Pacific University email address into the
    E-Mail Address field.

Hit OK to confirm the changes and enable SMS (Email) Notifications.

Note: To have the voicemail message sent as an attachment (WAV audio file), please submit a HelpDesk ticket.

To Disable SMS Notifications: Uncheck the Enable Short Message Service
 checkbox and hit OK. No other settings need to be removed.

Web PhoneManager Settings


The Playback tab provides the ability to change the number called by
the voicemail system when utilizing various system functions. By default,
the user's primary extension will be used.

Phone numbers can be entered as either Extensions (4-digit number) or
Local numbers (10-digit number) and should be available to be called
(The line should not be busy or have call-forwarding set for all calls).
Long distance numbers are not allowed, currently.

For the WPM features that allow direct access to voicemail
messages, changing the Playback Settings here will change the way messages
are played back to the user:

  • Telephone: The voicemail system will call the number entered in Telephone
     to play back messages.
  • Streaming Media: Messages will be streamed through the computer speakers
    or headphones. This requires javascript.
  • Download: Messages will be downloaded to the local computer and saved
    as a .wav file.

Hit OK to confirm any changes.

User Resources

This tab provides quick links to user documentation and reference cards
for navigating voicemail options in the Telephone User Interface (TUI).


Contact Support




Article ID: 134332
Sun 7/11/21 8:54 PM
Sat 10/23/21 11:23 PM