UIS Mass Communications


A summary of various mass communication tools used by UIS and under what circumstances they are used.



System Outages

Report know or suspected system outages to the helpdesk main line at 503-352-1500

When the Helpdesk line is not staffed, please report an outage of a major system that affects multiple users to Campus Public Safety at 503-352-2230. CPS will inform UIS managers via their cellphones.

For any system outage lasting, or anticipated to last, 5 minutes or more, UIS will inform the portions of the campus community affected by the outage using the methods described below.

Mass Communication Tools

UIS utilizes various communication tools to reach users. The choice of communication tools is based on:

  • The importance of the information being communicated (as measured by the potential negative impact of affected users not seeing the communication).
  • How quickly the information being communicated needs to be seen or acted on.
  • Who is impacted by the information being communicated.

Methods utilized by UIS include:

Monthly Tech News

This is a monthly newsletter sent to all current Pacific faculty and staff, utilizing tools maintained by the Marketing & Communication department of University Advancement.

Technology Communications Google Group

This is a Google Group maintained by UIS for communication with technical contacts. A subscriber in every major organizational unit in the university has agreed to forward messages to their groups that are relevant to those groups.  To  subscribe yourself to these notifications go to the list's page in Google Groups (make sure you are logged in as your Pacific account) and click the "joining the group" link.

Website Postings

UIS will post news and calendar items that, depending on the impact and audience, may show up on the following pages:

System Announcement Lists

UIS maintains Google groups for some systems with a known list of users, and uses those lists to communicate about issues impacting those systems. Systems with dedicated announcement lists include: Colleague, Zoom, ODS, Recruiter.

All Staff Meeting Agenda Time

UIS makes announcements at quarterly All Staff Meetings about technology news. UIS does not currently have regular agenda time at Faculty and Student Senate meetings.

Mass Emails

UIS maintains the capacity to send direct emails to all faculty, all staff and/or all students. This communication method is typically reserved only for communication of very high importance, or communication we are legally required to send to all members of the community (e.g. the required annual HEOA anti-piracy notification). Whenever time allows, UIS works with the Provost's Office and/or Marketing & Communication to send these messages.


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Article ID: 134299
Fri 7/9/21 7:28 PM
Wed 11/3/21 8:03 PM