How to Create a Google Group for a Class You Are Teaching


This guide is for faculty members who wish to create a Google Group for a class that is scheduled through the Registrar and for which they are the assigned faculty member.


This guide is for faculty members who wish to create a Google Group for a class that is scheduled through the Registrar and for which they are the assigned faculty member.

Table of Contents

Using myAccount to create a Google Group for a Course

The Google Groups section under Controls in myAccount can be used to create the course based email list that will automatically be populated with faculty and students on record for the course selected. A faculty member must be assigned to the course by the Registrar in order to request the Google Group for the course.

For any other email list that is not for a specific course listed in the course offerings by the Registrar, please request an Ad-Hoc Google Group.

To begin the conversion process, the faculty member should follow these steps:

  1. Login to myAccount and go to Controls > Academic Schedule.  Alternatively, http://myaccount.internal/academic/schedule will take you to the same screen.
  2. Find the course you are teaching, and click the Google button on the right (under the Integrations column).
  3.  Under Integrations, you should see a Link button.  Click it to create a Google Group for the course.
  4. If you see the a link labeled "Linked" instead, clicking it will take you directly to Google Group.

The length of time it takes to create the Google Group will depend on the number of students in the class and how long it takes Google's servers to respond to adding each member. Please do not close the window or try to move on until the process has completed.

This process sets the course up as a simple mailing list, allowing you to send a message to the list email address that is then delivered to all students in the course (and anyone else that has been added to the list).  Note the email address to send to after creating the course, or look it up later by logging into and viewing the email address for the group in your list of groups.

If you wish to setup message archiving or change other mailing list settings, please continue on through the next section.

Advanced setup of Google Groups

Once a Google Group is created in myAccount, most of the management features can be found in the Google Groups management web page. You can login to the Google groups page by using the link from the Boxer Apps page or by going directly to To see and manage your groups, click on the My Groups button on the initial Google Groups page. A list of all your groups should now be shown. If you are the owner of a group, you should see the word Owner in brackets below the list name and a blue link on the word Manage to make changes to your list.

Please follow these steps to change the list type from a simple email list to any other group type:

  1. From the My Groups page, click on the Manage link for the group that you wish to modify
  2. Scroll down in the menu on the left if needed and select the Information section.
  3. Select the Advanced option under Information
  4. Select the Group Type from the drop down menu in the middle of the page. Your options are Email List, Web Forum, Q & A Forum, and Collaborative Inbox. A brief description of each option is shown in a blue box below the drop down menu after you select the type. Make the selection for the type of list you wish to create.
  5. Click the Reset this group button when you are ready to change the group type.

Please follow these steps to turn on message archiving:

  1. From the My Groups page, click on the Manage link for the group that you wish to modify
  2. Scroll down in the menu on the left if needed and select the Information section.
  3. Select the Content Control option under Information
  4. Set the check box for Archive messages to the group.
  5. Click the Save button to save this change.

Please follow these steps to turn on features to moderate messages to the group:

  1. From the My Groups page, click on the Manage link for the group that you wish to modify
  2. Scroll down in the menu on the left if needed and select the Settings section.
  3. Select the Moderation option under Settings
  4. Set the check box for Moderate all messages to the group if you only want messages posted by the list owner to go out to the group. Using this option would be considered an Announcements Only list in the old mailing list system.
  5. Set the check box for Moderate messages from non-members of the group if you wish to allow list members to post without moderation but moderate any message from someone who is not a member of the list. Using this option would be considered a Team List in the old mailing list system.
  6. Click the Save button to save this change.

Many other options are available under the group management section. These include adding custom subject lines, setting up who can post to the list, setting list moderation options, adding list users and owners, and including footers with instructions on how to unsubscribe. Please review the various options under each of the management subjects and save your changes when done.

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Article ID: 134220
Thu 7/8/21 1:02 PM
Thu 4/20/23 2:56 PM