Exporting Google Account Using Google Takeout


Google Takeout is a free and easy-to-use tool that allows users to export and download a copy of their data from various Google services, such as Gmail, Drive, and Photos.

This tool is particularly useful for account holders who may need to transfer their data to a different account due to the data cap being implemented starting 3/1/23.

It's important to note that employees do not have access to this tool unless it is specifically requested by the user

Google Takeout is a free and easy-to-use tool that allows users to export and download a copy of their data from various Google services, such as Gmail, Drive, and Photos.


Important Note: If you are a Pacific University employee or former employee, be aware that your Google account contents (e.g. Gmail, Google Drive files) may contain information protected by law (such as FERPA protected student records) that require a higher standard of care.  Do not use Google Takeout to move protected files from Google Drive to another storage system outside of the control of Pacific University.  Improper storage or use of these files may be a violation of the Code of Conduct, Confidentiality of Records agreement between Pacific University and its employees.  Please contact the University Privacy Officer (privacy@pacificu.edu) if you have questions.

Click Here to See Google Takeout Basics

Click here To See How to Directly Download Files to Box

  1. Open up a Web Browser (i.e. Google Chrome).
  2. Type takeout.google.com in the URL (top search field).
  3. Once you're in Google takeout, verify that you're in the correct Google Account.
    (To check that you're in the right Google account, simply click on your profile picture or initials in the top right corner of any Google service page and ensure that the account listed is the one you want to be using.)
  4. Recommended: Choose "Deselect All" to un-select everything.
  5. Click the boxes that you would like to export (i.e. Google Drive & Photos).
  6. Once all of the wanted categories are selected, scroll down to the bottom and click  "Next Step".
  7. Choose how the files are transferred. You can either leave everything by default or make changes with each step.
  8. Click "Export".
  9. Wait for Google to send you a confirmation (this will take awhile).
  10. Open up the Google Notification and begin to download the files.
  11. Once Downloaded, open up each file.
  12. Optional: Move the files to a new location such as an external drive.

Export Google Takeout To Box

Google Takeout also has the ability to put files directly into other cloud storage services.  The following shows how to export to Pacific University's Box service (available to current employees and students).  Please note, however, that the Takeout system will move Google Drive content in zip files.  While you can view the contents of a zip file in Box, you can't interact with those contents in Box (you would have to download the zip file locally and open it there) so this method is useful primarily for long-term archiving.  Also please note that .pkg (Apple package files) may show up oddly in Box.

  1. Open up a Web Browser (i.e. Google Chrome).
  2. Type takeout.google.com in the URL (top search field).
  3. Once you're in Google takeout, verify that you're in the correct Google Account.
    (To check that you're in the right Google account, simply click on your profile picture or initials in the top right corner of any Google service page and ensure that the account listed is the one you want to be using.)
  4. Recommended: Choose "Deselect All" to un-select everything.
  5. Click the boxes that you would like to export (i.e. Google Drive & Photos).
  6. Once all of the wanted categories are selected, scroll down to the bottom and click  "Next Step".
  7. Choose Desination: Choose "Add to Box" from the Drop down Menu.
  8.  Recommended: Choose "Export Once" for the Frequency.
  9. Recommended: Choose ".zip" for the File Type
  10. Recommended: Choose 2GB for File Size. Larger sizes may cause a time-out error.
  11. Click "Link Accounts and Create Export"
  12. A new window will open up. Click "Grant access to Box" 
  13. Wait for Google to send you a confirmation (this will take awhile).
  14. Open Up Box and log in with your Pacific University Account.
  15. Click on the new folder "Google Download Your Data"
  16. Open Up the .zip files.
  17. Optional: Move the files to a new location in Box


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Article ID: 144651
Tue 2/28/23 9:56 AM
Fri 5/12/23 12:00 PM