CRM Recruit Console Access Setup for Admissions Counselors


This article is to assist Pacific University employees in setting up access to the CRM Recruit application hosted by Ellucian.  By following these instructions, users should be able to login and obtain initial access to the CRM Recruit environment.


This article is to assist Pacific University employees in setting up access to the CRM Recruit application hosted by Ellucian.  By following these instructions, users should be able to login and obtain initial access to the CRM Recruit environment.  Instruction on how to use the CRM Recruit application are not included in this document but may be included in other articles.


Permissions must be granted to employees before accessing CRM Recruit.  Please submit a Recruit service request or contact the Admissions Manager of Administrative Services to be given permissions to use the application.

The Chrome web browser is recommended when using CRM Recruit.  



  1. Log into the console at:
    1. This will be the new URL for routine logging into the CRM Recruit Console, so add it to your startup pages, as a bookmark, or whatever you choose to do to keep it available for you, going forward.
  2. On your first login you will be asked to navigate some initial login pages to access single sign-on for CRM Recruit.  
    1. The screens will look like this:signin 1.JPG
  3. CHOOSE "Other Organization"
    1. signin with punet.JPG
  4. ENTER YOUR PUNET and NEXT to Continue
    1. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Signin 3.JPG
  5. Execute normal single sign-on steps here including DUO Authentication.


Once you've successfully logged in, please move about the console to ensure that basic navigation is working as you would expect and conduct the following testing (keeping in mind this is our production account



Article ID: 137335
Fri 12/17/21 2:38 PM
Fri 12/17/21 2:38 PM